Featuring articles on the Cyprus tour and the annual Black Mountains ride, as well as information on the Annual General Meeting (1st October) and 128th Annual Dinner and Prizegiving (16th November), the historical highlight of this issue is the 1895 runs list. Compare it with our current runs list and you’ll be surprised how little has changed.

Get the pdf file of this edition here or see this and previous editions all the way back to 1997, available to read or download at https://www.gloscitycc.co.uk/spokespiece-magazine/. If you do go to the archive, you might notice that the missing edition, from 2008, has been digitally recreated by our industrious Editor. It lacks the page layout skill of its publisher, the late John Godley, but every word of the original articles has been faithfully and digitally reproduced in High Definiton, if not 3D or Cinemascope. It isn’t only Hollywood that can recycle its back catalogue.