Gloucester City Cycling Club

Founded 1891

Club Constitution

1. The Club

1.1 The Club is called ‘’The Gloucester City Cycling Club’’.

1.2 The Club Colours are Claret and Gold.

1.3 The object of the Club is to encourage and support all aspects of cycling by whatever means are deemed appropriate.

2. Annual General Meeting and Extraordinary General Meetings

2.1 The Annual General Meeting (AGM) shall be held in early October of each year for the election of Officials, and for the making, altering or rescinding of Rules, and shall be the absolute Authority of the Club. All Officers dealing with Club money shall prepare a written statement of account and present it to the Treasurer. The Treasurer shall prepare statements of receipts and payments which shall be audited and presented at the AGM. All Officers shall present a written report to the AGM.

2.2 The Club Financial Year shall end on August 31st.

2.3 An Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) of the Club, with powers equal to the AGM, may be held by the decision of the General Committee or on written application by at least ten members.

2.4 All Club members shall receive at least seven days written notice of the AGM or any EGM along with an Agenda. Written notice may be by e-mail to the member’s e-mail address.

2.5 No rule may be made, altered or rescinded except at the AGM or any EGM by a majority of two-thirds of members present and voting. Any motion to make, alter or rescind Rules or Club Trophies must appear on the Agenda. Items for inclusion on the Agenda must be in the General Secretary’s hands at least 21 clear days before the AGM or any EGM.

2.6 The following Officers shall be elected at the AGM:

The President, Vice-Presidents ; Captain ; Vice-Captain ; Club Events Racing Secretary ; Dinner Secretary ; General Secretary; Kit Secretary, Archivist; Web Secretary; Newsletter Editor ; Open Event Secretaries ; Press Secretary ; Social Secretary ; Treasurer ; Auditor ; Handicappers ; Timekeepers

2.7 No Officer of the Club may be an Officer of any other Cycling Club except for Vice Presidents, Auditor, Handicapper and Timekeepers.

3. The General Committee

3.1 The General Committee shall consist of the Officers referred to in Rule 2.6 (except for Vice Presidents, Auditor, Handicapper and Timekeepers) and up to seven others, to be elected at the AGM.

3.2 Any Club member may attend a Club committee meeting without serving on the committee, i.e. he or she may be present at a meeting but may not have a vote or speak at the meeting, except when the chairman or a majority of the committee believe that it is in the committee’s interest to hear that person’s view. If any subject to be discussed by the committee is considered to be unsuitable for general knowledge in the club, attendance to be refused to that part of the meeting, two-thirds of the committee present to agree that a subject is unsuitable for general knowledge.

3.3 The General Committee shall:

  • be the governing body of the Club, subject to the decisions and wishes of the AGM or any EGM;
  • have power to suspend any member from taking part in Club activities, upon due cause being shown;
  • manage and control the finances of the Club;
  • act for the Club as it may deem necessary.

3.4 The General Committee shall meet during the first week of every month unless notified otherwise by the General Secretary. Not less than three days’ notice must be received by each member of the committee of any change. Five shall constitute a quorum.

3.5 Where an Officer of the Club cannot, in relation to a critical matter, decide alone and deems it too long to wait for the next General Committee Meeting, any three of the following Officers can act as an Emergency Committee: Captain; Chairman; President; General Secretary; Treasurer. The Emergency Committee may, as they deem appropriate, call any other Committee Member to participate in the Emergency Committee. A full report in writing will be circulated to the General Committee before the next General Committee Meeting.

3.6 Should any member of the General Committee be absent from two consecutive meetings without giving written notice of inability to attend, the General Committee shall have power after notifying the member concerned, to declare the seat vacant.

3.7 In the event of an office not being filled at the AGM or falling vacant, the General Committee has the power to co-opt members to these posts at a full committee meeting.

4. Organisation of Club Activities

4.1 The General Secretary shall be responsible for the calling of Committee meetings, the holding thereof and for the general affairs of the Club.

4.2 The Club Events Racing Secretary shall be responsible for the organisation of the Club Time Trial Programme and ensure a list thereof is circulated to all members.

4.3 The Open Event Secretaries shall be responsible for the organisation of their respective events.

4.4 The Social Secretary shall be responsible for the organisation of social activities and ensure a list thereof is circulated to all members.

4.5 The Dinner Secretary shall be responsible for the organisation of the Annual Dinner.

4.6 The Captain shall be responsible for the calling of Rides Committees. All Club Rides, Tours and Competitive Events in which maximum speed is not the first consideration, shall be arranged for each four months in advance by the Rides Committee. The Captain shall ensure a list is circulated to all members and is available on the Club Website. The Rides Committee shall be called and chaired by the Captain or Vice-Captain. Any Club member may attend and take part at a Rides Committee Meeting.

4.7 The Web Secretary shall be responsible for ensuring the maintenance of the Club Web Site; overseeing the addition, amendment and deletion of the information sponsored by other Committee Members; and ensuring the maintenance of a coherent relationship with other online channels of information, including but not limited to social media and cloud-based repositories of Club data.

4.8 The General Committee shall appoint during the November Committee meeting a committee member to act as the Safeguarding Officer. This person is to be available to all members to help them in addressing issues such as complaints against individuals; the protection of vulnerable adults and children; and issues of discrimination. The Safeguarding Officer is responsible for ensuring the Clubs young rider policy is monitored and implemented. The person fulfilling the role should have an awareness of Safeguarding issues and ideally have a valid Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check. (Guidance is available from either Cycling UK or British Cycling).

4.9 It shall be the responsibility of the Treasurer to hold and account for the monies collected and dispensed in the name of the Club and prepare the Annual Statement of Accounts for audit and presentation to the AGM of the Club.

5. Membership

5.1 Applicants for membership must have their application supported by two-thirds of the General Committee before being accepted.

  • Subscriptions of new members must be accompanied by a completed Application for Membership.
  • Subscription fee changes will be proposed by the General Committee and shall be confirmed at the AGM.

5.4 There shall be 6 classes of membership, being:

5.4.1 Senior Age 18 plus on application.

5.4.2 Junior/Juvenile Junior: Age from 16th birthday on application and until 31st December of the year in which his/her 18th Birthday occurs. Juvenile: less than 16 on application. A Juvenile may compete in any competition open to a Junior.

5.4.3 Family Any number of persons in a family relationship residing at the same address.

5.4.4 Honorary A member who after not less than 15 years unbroken membership either makes a written application to the General Secretary or who is elected to such status in recognition of outstanding service, by at least two-thirds of those present at an AGM or EGM of the Club

5.4.5 Honorary Life to be elected to such status in recognition of outstanding service, by at least two-thirds of those present at an AGM or EGM of the Club.

5.4.6 Day Membership: Membership valid for one day only. Necessary to enter Club events under CTT rules.

5.5 With the exception of Day Membership the remaining classes of membership carry equal privileges and enable a member to attend and vote at an AGM or EGM.

5.6 Any Club member may resign or be asked to resign. In this circumstance the subscription fee will not be refunded.

5.7 Subscriptions shall fall due on 1st October of each year and must be paid by 31st December. Any Club member whose subscription has not been paid by the 31st December shall no longer be a member of the Club. Any Club member whose subscription has not been paid by the 31st December shall be required to re-apply for membership.

5.8 A surcharge of FIVE POUNDS (£5) will apply to subscription payments made by means other than Standing Order or Bank Transfer.

5.9 Anyone joining for the first time after 30th September would be deemed a member until
31st December in the following year.

6. Tyndale 1891

6.1 ‘Tyndale’ was the original name of the Club when it was formed in 1891 and the name has been revived as a Vintage/Retro section of the Club with its own evolving identity. Participation in Tyndale 1891 rides shall be on the same basis as any other Club ride, that is to say it is open to any member of the Club or Guest who wishes to participate in the spirit of a bygone age of cycling.

6.2 Tyndale regulates its own activities as a linked but separate entity. The abiding characteristic is that equipment, clothing, ride levels and ethos should be as close as possible to cycling as it was before the modern age.

7. Club Rides

7.1 All the events organised by the Rides Committee shall be under the control of the Captain, Vice-Captain, or the Ride Leader. Other activities shall be under the control of the Organiser or Ride Leader.

7.2 Rides may be altered before or whilst ongoing at the discretion of the Captain or Ride Leader.

7.3 Members taking part in club activities assert that they are sufficiently fit and healthy. On rides each rider must keep a safe distance behind the rider in front. Bicycles must be in a roadworthy condition and fitted with full mudguards when the climatic and road conditions dictate.

7.4 The pace of the Club Ride shall be the pace of the slowest rider present.

7.5 If, in the opinion of the Captain, Vice-Captain, Organiser, or Ride Leader a Club member misbehaves, they may report him to the General Secretary, who shall ask the Club member to attend the next Committee Meeting, at which the matter will be discussed.

7.6 Whilst participating in Club activities members must act responsibly, following relevant regulations and the Highway and Countryside Codes. Marshals, where present, are solely to indicate the direction. It is the member’s responsibility to ensure that any manoeuvre is carried out safely.

7.7 Gloucester City Cycling Club, its officials, and its members cannot be held responsible for any personal injury, accident, loss, damage or public liability during events organized on behalf of the Club.

7.8 Club activities are covered by the Club’s Liability Insurance. Members are advised to obtain their own insurance. Members are further advised to carry details of their Emergency Contacts.

8. Club Time Trials

8.1 All Club Time Trials shall be held in accordance with CTT regulations.

8.2 Entries for all Club Time Trials will be taken up to five minutes before the official time of start with the entry fee, after which entries will be taken at the discretion of the timekeeper.

8.3 Each Club member participating in Club racing events must assist (or provide a substitute acceptable to the Racing Secretary) with the organisation of at least one Club event in the season in order to qualify for the CEBAR, Paul Barnard Trophy and Dan Knight competitions.

9. Awarding / Claiming Club Trophies, Records and Medals

9.1 Except for the overall winners of the Open Events, First Claim members only (referred to as ‘Club members’ or ‘Club riders’) may qualify for Club Trophies, Club Records and Medals. All Club members riding in events must ride in the name of the Club in order to claim Club Trophies, Records or Certificates / Medals.

9.2 Claims for Club Records, Certificates, Medals or any racing awards must be made to the Club Events Racing Secretary or appointed deputy in writing by 14th October in any year, supported by the relevant Result Sheets and current fee, to be set at an appropriate amount each year by the General Committee.

9.3 Any Club member owing money to the Club on August 31st shall forfeit any prizes won during the year.

9.4 Club members must be notified of prizes due to them by the end of October of the year in which they have been won.

9.5 All Trophy winners are entitled to a medal on application by 14th October following the racing season and on payment of a fee as described at Rule 9.2.

9.6 The term ‘Junior’ in this context means under 18 years of age on 1st January of the year in question

10. Club Trophies

All Trophy details are now posted on the Race Trophy or Club Trophy pages of the web site.

11. Three Cities Reliability Ride

During the season one Three Cities (Gloucester – Worcester – Hereford) event will be promoted. In addition tandems and tricycles may make one attempt per season at their own convenience providing they have a Club Timekeeper and make their own arrangements regarding checking and feeding.

All riders must start and finish at the official point and must pass Westgate Bridge, Gloucester, St John’s Bridge, Worcester and the Shire Hall, Hereford but may choose their own routes between these points. In conjunction with the above restrictions all riders must comply with CTT Regulations as to unpaced riding, clothing and machines.

11.1 Silver

Silver facsimiles will be awarded to those who beat the Standards listed on the Racing Standards page (subject to being claimed under Section 9)

11.2 Bronze

Bronze facsimiles will be awarded to those who beat the the Standards listed on the Racing Standards page (subject to being claimed under Section 9)

11.3 Riders aged 40 and over shall be required to beat the Standards laid down. The standards shall be those taken from the VTTA standards of the day.

12. Club Championships

The Club recognises the following Championships every year. The Championship events to be nominated Club events.

12.1 Time Trial Championships

12.1.1 10 mile Championship TT for Men, Women, Veterans (Actual), Veterans (on Standard), Juniors and Juveniles.

12.1.2 25 mile Championship TT for Men, Women, Veterans (Actual), Veterans (on Standard), Juniors and Juveniles.

12.2 Road Race Championships

12.2.1 Senior Road Race Championship (based on BC Licence points). (See rule 10.2.1)

12.2.2 Junior Road Race Championship (based on BC Licence points).

12.2.3 Juvenile Road Race Championship (based on BC Licence points).

13. Club Standard Awards

Club Standard Certificates can be claimed by Club riders beating specified standard performances. There shall be separate standards for men and women and three standard performances at these distances for Veterans as defined in the VTTA Handbook.

The award of certificates shall be governed by the following conditions:

  1. Qualifying performances may be accomplished in Open, Association or Gloucester City CC club events, providing the rides are performed in the name of the Club.
  2. A rider may only take one certificate at each standard at each distance in any one season. A rider may only qualify for one standard by any one performance.
  3. 1st class Standard awards for Veterans shall be awarded to Veteran riders beating the appropriate Age Standards as listed in the VTTA Handbook.

Riders requiring medals instead of certificates may purchase them through the Club. The fee is set at an appropriate amount each year by the General Committee.

13.1 Set Distance / Time Standards

13.1.1 Men’s standards are now listed on the Racing Standards page.

13.1.2 Women’s standards are now listed on the Racing Standards page.

13.1.3 Veterans’ standards are as listed in the VTTA Handbook.

13.2 Out and Back Standards

A Club Record Certificate is awarded to any Club member who beats the standard or previous best time over the following routes:-

13.2.1 Gloucester Post Office Kings Square to Worcester Cathedral and back. Approximate mileage: 52.

Single Bicycle (Men) 2h.11m.

Tricycle 2h.38m.

Single Bicycle (Ladies) 2h.26m.

Tandem 2h.11m.

13.2.2 Gloucester Post Office Kings Square to Oxford General Post Office, St Aldgate St and back. Approximate mileage: 100.

Single Bicycle (Men) 4h.21m.

Tricycle 5h.50m.

Single Bicycle (Ladies) 6h.45m.

Tandem 5h.03m.

13.2.3 Gloucester Post Office Kings Square to Brecon, St Mary’s Church and back. Approximate mileage: 136.

Single Bicycle (Men) 5h.52m.

Tricycle 7h.22m.

Single Bicycle (Ladies) 7h.43m.

Tandem 6h.19m.

13.2.4 Gloucester Westgate Bridge (slip road beyond traffic lights) to Chepstow, Severn Bridge and back to Gloucester, Waterwells roundabout. Approximate mileage: 62.

Single Bicycle (Men) 2h.35m.

Tricycle 3h.05m.

Single Bicycle (Ladies) 2h.53m.

Tandem 2h.35m.

14. Club Records

14.1.1 General Rules and Conditions

  • Medals are awarded, suitably endorsed, to any Club member breaking a Club Record at any distance as defined below.
  • All riders must comply with CTT Regulations as to unpaced riding, clothing and machines.
  • The times indicated are either unbroken standards set by the General Committee or Club Records. Refer to table of Club Records listed below.
  • No rider may take more than one medal for each distance in any one year.

14.1.2 Rules for Standard Distances, 12 and 24 hours

The Club shall recognise the following Club Records set or broken in Open competition or in an officially timed Gloucester City CC club event approved by the General Committee:-


  • Men; Women; Veterans (on Standard):

At the following distances/times: 10, 25, 30, 50, 100, 12 hours, 24 hours.

  • Juniors and Juveniles:

At the following distances: 10, 25.

14.1.3 Rules for Non-Standard distances and ‘Out and Back’ records

  • Ten days notice must be given to the Club Racing Secretary, accompanied by a fee of £1 (£2 for Tandems) and a schedule of the attempt.
  • All attempts must be timed by a Club approved stopwatches.
  • Any two Club members approved or nominated by the Club Racing Secretary may witness the start and finish of an attempt. Such members shall submit their signed certificate of the time taken to the Club Racing Secretary within three days of the attempt.
  • The Club Racing Secretary shall endeavour to arrange for checking at the terminal point and shall provide a certificate for completion by the checker there, but the onus of proving the correctness of the attempt shall rest on the rider, who may obtain such additional proofs as he wishes.
  • In the event of more than one attempt on the same record on the same day there shall be at least 15 minutes between each two riders. A tandem shall precede a single bicycle and a single bicycle shall precede a tricycle.
Minutes of Annual General Meetings

Minutes of past such Meetings are available below.

2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2014

Revision history


Revisions October 2023

  • Role of Membership Secretary was removed from section 2.6. The role was merged with that of the General Secretary.
  • Rule 5.4.4 revised to permit a Member, after not less than 15 years unbroken membership, to be elected to such status in recognition of outstanding service, by at least two-thirds of those present at an AGM or EGM of the Club.”
  • Rule 10 aligned the Three Cities Roadman’s Shield with those for the Boake’s Shield, as follows: “Awarded for the fastest time achieved to the Club member who records the fastest time without the use of aerodynamic aids in the Three Cities Reliability Ride.”

Revisions October 2022

  • New rule 5.9 “Anyone joining for the first time after 30th September would be deemed a member until 31st December in the following year”
  • Rule 13. Fees for medals aligned with rule 9.2

Revisions October 2021

  • The B.A.R. runner up trophy shall in future be awarded to The Club Medium Distance Time Trial Champion
  • A new Club Ladies Trophy, equivalent to the Dancey Trophy, will be in future awarded to the lady member with the best attendance on Club Runs.
  • Winners of each category in the Club Championships will in future receive engraved commemorative medals.
  • 2.4 Written notice may be by e-mail to the member’s e-mail address.
  • 2.6 Kit Secretary was added to the list of officers.
  • 3.4 The General Committee to meet during the first week of every month (was the first Tuesday) unless notified otherwise by the General Secretary.
  • 13.1 Men’s and Women’s standards were moved to the Racing Standards page
  • 11.1 & 11.2 Silver and Bronze standards for the Three Cities Reliability trial were moved to the Racing Standards page

Revisions March 2021

  • Trophy details moved from Section 10 of the Constitution to the Racing and Club Trophy pages
  • Rules specific to each trophy are now listed on that trophy’s own web page
  • Medal application rules and the definition of Junior were moved from section 10 to become rules 9.5 & 9.6,

Revisions October 2019

  • Section 5.1, 5.7 & 5.8 changed the due date of subscriptions, added a reapplication requirement, and introduced the surcharge for some forms of payment.
  • Sections 2.6 & 4.10 recognised the creation of Kit Secretary position.

For more detail and earlier revisions see Minutes of the relevant General Meeting.