Club member Ian Lindsay excelled himself with a personal best at the weekend, achieving 4h 2m for a 100 miles in the Derby event based on the A50. Unfortunately he was riding for the Royal Navy so it won’t qualify him for the A.G.Faers trophy. Some idea of what it is like to race this distance can be gained from his comments: “felt great for the first ’25’, felt good for the second ’25’, felt OK but manageable for the third ’25’, felt like i was dying for the fourth ’25′”.

The Welsh National 100 is one of John Murphy’s favourite events, but this year injury has forced him to give it a miss. The Club’s honour was upheld by Derek Dowdeswell who competed with distinction in this 100 mile event. Although it was his first attempt at this distance, and the weather was cold and wet, he recorded 4.19.19 and gives himslef an excellent chance at the Pete Reed Memorial Trophy