The Club’s first virtual AGM was held on Tuesday 6th October. Preparatory work by the Committee and, especially, the General Secretary to make it possible paid dividends in a meeting that passed off smoothly and successfully. Full Minutes will be made available in due course.

We are pleased to welcome Dr. Roger Whittle as the new Safeguarding Officer and Daryl Stroud as Media Secretary, replacing Niall Ingleby and Abi Pearce, their retiring counterparts, who we thank for their service in these roles. The Committee is otherwise unchanged.

The disrupted season restricted the number of qualifying events for some of our Trophies. In consequence many cannot in fairness be awarded and the Committee decided that those normally awarded based on a vote should not be awarded. Trophies for absolute performances, such as the fastest time at a distance, may still be claimed. Claims for Club Records, Certificates, Medals, or any racing awards must be made to the Club Events Racing Secretary in writing by 14th October, supported by the relevant Result Sheets. A list of trophies is available here.

The practical difficulty of discussing any rule changes in a virtual meeting meant that a proposal by the retiring Committee to change the Best All Rounder qualifying requirements was not put on the Agenda. It is hoped that an Extraordinary General Meeting can be held in the Spring at which Members can consider it in time for it to be implemented in the 2021 racing season.

In Any Other Business a suggestion was made that the Club evening time trials and Chain Gang should be moved from their present Wednesday and Tuesday evenings. This will be reviewed in the off season by racing members whose the conclusion will be implemented by the Racing Secretary in next season’s calendar.